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SNPTips Bug

From SNPedia

You're probably at this page because you use the Firefox web browser with SNPTips.


SNPTips has a bug which does damage to SNPedia

Here is an example

In that edit, the user was trying to correct the spelling from 'mood wings' to 'mood swings'. However links to snps were also changed from [[rs1234]] were turned into [[]], removing the rs#. The wiki makes it easy enough to undo the change, but this is a bit of extra work for an existing editor. More troubling, it discourages new editors.

When you edit and save a page, SNPTips will erroneously remove all of the rs#s from the page.

We really do want you to edit SNPedia, which means at the moment we can only suggest

  1. uninstalling SNPTips
  2. remembering to choose "Tools" -> "SNPTips" -> "Toggle Status" before editing here
  3. emailing snptips@5amsolutions.com and asking them to fix the bug