[PMID 20840187] Peer smoking and the nicotinic receptor genes: an examination of genetic and environmental risks for nicotine dependence
[PMID 17135278] Cholinergic nicotinic receptor genes implicated in a nicotine dependence association study targeting 348 candidate genes with 3713 SNPs.
[PMID 17158188] Novel genes identified in a high-density genome wide association study for nicotine dependence.
[PMID 18571741] Genetic variability in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine addiction: converging evidence from human and animal research.
[PMID 19029397] Nicotinic receptor gene variants influence susceptibility to heavy smoking.
[PMID 19259974] Multiple distinct risk loci for nicotine dependence identified by dense coverage of the complete family of nicotinic receptor subunit (CHRN) genes.
[PMID 19492010] The genetic components of alcohol and nicotine co-addiction: from genes to behavior.