[PMID 21524304] Evidence of association with type 1 diabetes in the SLC11A1 gene region
[PMID 18062835] Novel insight in the association between salmonellosis or campylobacteriosis and chronic illness, and the role of host genetics in susceptibility to these diseases.
[PMID 19723394] Association of SLC11A1 with tuberculosis and interactions with NOS2A and TLR2 in African-Americans and Caucasians.
[PMID 20196868] Polymorphisms in IL-1beta, vitamin D receptor Fok1, and Toll-like receptor 2 are associated with extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
[PMID 23492997] Association of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and SLC11A1 polymorphisms in Sardinian multiple sclerosis patients
[PMID 23538334] Genetic and functional evidence for a role for SLC11A1 in susceptibility to otitis media in early childhood in a Western Australian population