[PMID 19681921] Associations between decay-accelerating factor polymorphisms and allergic respiratory diseases
[PMID 22693232] A functional variation in CD55 gene increases the disease severity of pandemic A(H1N1)2009 influenza infection
[PMID 16626483
] Discovery, linkage disequilibrium and association analyses of polymorphisms of the immune complement inhibitor, decay-accelerating factor gene (DAF/CD55) in type 1 diabetes.
[PMID 28510725
] IFITM3, TLR3, and CD55 Genes SNPs and Cumulative Ge-netic Risks for Severe Outcomes in Chinese Patients with H7N9 / H1N1pdm09 Influenza.
[PMID 32470169] Association of gene polymorphisms of CD55 with susceptibility to and severity of hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by enterovirus 71 in the Han Chinese population.