[PMID 19453253] Relative abundance of selenoprotein P isoforms in human plasma depends on genotype, se intake, and cancer status
[PMID 19074884] Interaction between single nucleotide polymorphisms in selenoprotein P and mitochondrial superoxide dismutase determines prostate cancer risk.
[PMID 20852007] Effects of selenium status and polymorphisms in selenoprotein genes on prostate cancer risk in a prospective study of European men.
[PMID 22139612] Serum selenium and single-nucleotide polymorphisms in genes for selenoproteins: relationship to markers of oxidative stress in men from Auckland, New Zealand.
[PMID 26446998] Lipid peroxidation and glutathione peroxidase activity relationship in breast cancer depends on functional polymorphism of GPX1
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