Originally reported to be one of 13 SNPs found in whole genome association study to be associated with Parkinson's disease. However, neither it (nor the other 13) appeared to be associated with Parkinson's disease in an independent study of 663 Caucasian patients.[PMID 18280617]
[PMID 16252231] High-resolution whole-genome association study of Parkinson disease.
[PMID 16685661] Genomewide association, Parkinson disease, and PARK10.
[PMID 16685662] No evidence for association with Parkinson disease for 13 single-nucleotide polymorphisms identified by whole-genome association screening.
[PMID 16685663] A case-control association study of the 12 single-nucleotide polymorphisms implicated in Parkinson disease by a recent genome scan.