[PMID 17636279] A polymorphism in the AMH type II receptor gene is associated with age at menopause in interaction with parity.
[PMID 18230658] A functional anti-mullerian hormone gene polymorphism is associated with follicle number and androgen levels in polycystic ovary syndrome patients.
[PMID 18603647] Functional genetic polymorphisms and female reproductive disorders: Part I: Polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian response.
[PMID 23544102] Interactions between genetic variants in AMH and AMHR2 may modify age at natural menopause
[PMID 23371438] Haplotype analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in anti-Mullerian hormone gene in Chinese PCOS women.
[PMID 26464718] Possible involvement of single nucleotide polymorphisms in anti-Müllerian hormone signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of early OHSS in Han Chinese women
[PMID 32887648] Can polymorphisms of AMH/AMHR2 affect ovarian stimulation outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis.