0.37x decreased risk for severe malaria
decreased risk for severe malaria
rs1334512, also known as -53, is a SNP in the CD36 molecule (thrombospondin receptor) CD36 gene.
A study of 552 individuals in India found a protective association between the rs1334512(T) allele and the (T;T) genotype related to severe malaria; (T;T) homozgyotes had a 0.37x (p = 0.004)decreased risk compared to (G;G) homozygotes.[1]
[PMID 17705862
] Optimization of candidate-gene SNP-genotyping by flexible oligonucleotide microarrays; analyzing variations in immune regulator genes of hay-fever samples.
[PMID 19055786
] Variations in host genes encoding adhesion molecules and susceptibility to falciparum malaria in India.