[PMID 19406499] Interaction between HNF4A polymorphisms and physical activity in relation to type 2 diabetes-related traits: Results from the Quebec Family Study
[PMID 21633728] Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha P2 promoter variants associate with insulin resistance
[PMID 15735891] Variation near the hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha gene associates with type 2 diabetes in the Danish population.
[PMID 16186411
] Variants in hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha are modestly associated with type 2 diabetes in Pima Indians.
[PMID 16752173] Common variants in MODY genes increase the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus.
[PMID 18602983
] Heterogeneity in gene loci associated with type 2 diabetes on human chromosome 20q13.1.
[PMID 28352326
] Genetic variants in KCNJ11, TCF7L2 and HNF4A are associated with type 2 diabetes, BMI and dyslipidemia in families of Northeastern Mexico: A pilot study.