CYP2E1*4 homozygote
carrier of one CYP2E1*4 allele
rs6413419, also known as 4768G>A or V179I, is a SNP in the CYP2E1 gene.
The rs6413419(A) allele defines the CYP2E1*4 variant.
[PMID 22126492] Genetic Polymorphisms of the CYP2E1 Gene do not Contribute to Oral Cancer Susceptibility in South Indians
[PMID 18663376
] Global patterns of variation in allele and haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium across the CYP2E1 gene.
[PMID 19131562
] Biomarkers of human exposure to acrylamide and relation to polymorphisms in metabolizing genes.
[PMID 22560290] A comparison of Val81Met and other polymorphisms of alcohol metabolising genes in patients and controls in Northern Spain.