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Alternative Population Sources[edit]

? (A;A) (A;T) (T;T)

Alternative Population Sources Tested By:[edit]

  • HapMap from ABI
email: delavefm@appliedbiosystems.com
fax: 650-554-2577
lab: Francisco M. De La Vega
name: Francisco M. De La Vega
address: 850 Lincoln Centre Dr, Foster City, CA 94404
phone: 650-638-6989
institution: Applied Biosystems
  • PGA Panels from PGA-UW-FHCRC
email: debnick@u.washington.edu
fax: (206) 685-7301
lab: Nickerson
name: Deborah A. Nickerson
address: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington, Box 357730, Seattle, WA 09195
phone: (206) 685-7387
institution: University of Washington
  • AFD Panels from PERLEGEN
email: david_cox@perlegen.com , nila_patil@perlegen.com
fax: 650-625-4510
lab: David R. Cox
name: David R. Cox and Nila Patil
address: 2021 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043
phone: 650-625-4500
institution: Perlegen Sciences Inc.
  • GENO Panels from PGA-UW-FHCRC
email: debnick@u.washington.edu
fax: (206) 685-7301
lab: Nickerson
name: Deborah A. Nickerson
address: Department of Molecular Biotechnology, University of Washington, Box 357730, Seattle, WA 09195
phone: (206) 685-7387
institution: University of Washington
email: body@zeus.bwh.harvard.edu
fax: 617-732-6798
lab: CABG Genomics Program
name: Simon Body
address: 75 Francis St., Boston, MA 02115
phone: 617-732-8217
institution: Brigham and Women's Hospital

Alternative Populations[edit]

  1. HapMap-LWK-Luhya in Webuye, Kenya,100
  2. HapMap-CHB-Han Chinese in Beijing, China,90
  3. AFD_CHN_PANEL-24 samples of Chinese descent from the Coriell Cell Repository from Han People of LA
  4. HapMap-CHD-Chinese in Metropolitan Denver, Colorado,100
  5. HapMap-HCB-45 unrelated Han Chinese in Beijing, China
  6. CHB_GENO_PANEL-45 Han Chinese in Beijing, China
  7. HapMap-YRI-Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria,18
  8. YRI_GENO_PANEL-60 Yoroba of Yoruba in Ibadan, Nigeria from the Coriell Cell Repository
  9. HapMap-ASW-African ancestry in Southwest USA,90
  10. HapMap-JPT-Japanese in Tokyo, Japan,91
  11. PGA-EUR-PANEL- 24 samples from the Coriell Cell Repository are primarily of European American descent
  12. HapMap-MKK-Maasai in Kinyawa, Kenya,180
  13. AFD_EUR_PANEL-24 samples from the Coriell Cell Repository are primarily of European American descent.
  14. AFD_AFR_PANEL-23 samples of African American descent from the Coriell Cell Repository
  15. JPT_GENO_PANEL-45 Japanese from the Coriell Cell Repository (CCR).
  16. PGA-AFRI-PANEL-24 African Americans from the Coriell Cell Repository (CCR)
  17. AAM_GENO_PANEL-62 African Americans from the Coriell Cell Repository (CCR)
  18. HapMap-CEU-Utah residents with Northern and Western European ancestry from the CEPH collection,180
  19. CEU_GENO_PANEL-60 Mormons from Utah
  20. CABG_N.AMERI-1113 human individuals from the North American population with coronary artery disease.
  21. HapMap-TSI-Toscans in Italy,100
  22. HapMap-GIH-Gujarati Indians in Houston, Texas,100
  24. HapMap-MEX-Mexican ancestry in Los Angeles, California,90

Alternative Population Sources Comments[edit]

As you can see, the populations are arranged according to the major allele. The average is helpful in seeing what population is above or below that average. Also, the values posted for a mixture of public and private institutions with HapMap data is provided by Applied Biosystems, in this case, as you can see. John Lloyd Scharf 02:43, 10 November 2011 (UTC)