~2x increased lung cancer risk
~1.5x increased lung cancer risk
rs1169300 is a SNP that was originally associated with C-reactive protein levels, and given other findings that suggest C-reactive protein levels may be predictive of cancer risk, was thought to be linked to cancer risk.
A large study pooling data from 3 Finnish studies totaling over 18,000 individuals concluded that while this SNP is not likely to be causative (relative to cancer), it and one other CRP SNP (rs2464196) are associated with increased risk for lung cancer. The odds ratio for minor alleles of either SNP was about 1.5x and 2x for heterozygotes and homozygotes, respectively. One other CRP SNP (rs1892534) was associated with increased overall cancer risk. CRP SNPs were not associated with colorectal, prostate or breast cancer risk.[PMID 20727736]
[PMID 18439548
] Loci related to metabolic-syndrome pathways including LEPR,HNF1A, IL6R, and GCKR associate with plasma C-reactive protein: the Women's Genome Health Study.
[PMID 18599530
] Ser1369Ala variant in sulfonylurea receptor gene ABCC8 is associated with antidiabetic efficacy of gliclazide in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients.
[PMID 19060910
] Genome-wide association analysis of metabolic traits in a birth cohort from a founder population.