common in complete genomics
[PMID 17146660] Association of MDR1 genotypes with susceptibility to colorectal cancer in older non-smokers.
[PMID 17622943] Comparative and evolutionary pharmacogenetics of ABCB1: complex signatures of positive selection on coding and regulatory regions.
[PMID 18424454
] ABCB1 (MDR1) genetic variants are associated with methadone doses required for effective treatment of heroin dependence.
[PMID 20354687
] Explaining variability in ciclosporin exposure in adult kidney transplant recipients.
[PMID 20389299
] Pazopanib-induced hyperbilirubinemia is associated with Gilbert's syndrome UGT1A1 polymorphism.
[PMID 22306099] Association between the functional polymorphism (C3435T) of the gene encoding P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) and major depressive disorder in the Japanese population.
[PMID 24572589] Novel and functional ABCB1 gene variant in sporadic Parkinson's disease
[PMID 24599932] Replication of Genetic Polymorphisms Reported to be Associated with Taxane-Related Sensory Neuropathy in Early Breast Cancer Patients treated with Paclitaxel