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Property:ClinVar CLNDBN

From SNPedia
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Diabetes mellitus, noninsulin-dependent, association with  +, not specified  +, WFS1-Related Spectrum Disorders  +,
not provided  +
not specified  +, Primary congenital glaucoma  +
not provided  +
Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Recessive  +
not provided  +
Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Type 2  +, Neuroblastoma  +, Pheochromocytoma  +
not provided  +
Familial hypercholesterolemia  +
not provided  +
Aromatase deficiency  +
not provided  +
not provided  +
Glutaric aciduria, type 1  +
Primary pulmonary hypertension  +
Inflammatory bowel disease 19  +
Malignant melanoma  +
Cystinuria  +
Hereditary diffuse leukoencephalopathy with spheroids  +
Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency  +