rs10493256 is one of 6 SNPs found upstream of an (uncharacterized) gene known as FLJ10986 that have been found to be overrepresented in 1,152 patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).[PMID 17671248]
[PMID 19125359] appears to increase the risk of developing sporadic ALS in our Chinese population
[PMID 19177248] A study involving a large case-control series from the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden and Ireland (total: 1883 sporadic ALS patients and 2063 controls) found no significant association between sporadic ALS and the six previously reported associated SNPs, including this one.
[PMID 19922123] Clinical and genetic features of patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in south-west China
[PMID 19922138] Analysis of FGGY as a risk factor for sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis