[PMID 19581171] Identification of Las2, a major modifier gene affecting the Pas1 mouse lung tumor susceptibility locus
[PMID 21079743
] Interaction of Crohn's Disease Susceptibility Genes in an Australian Paediatric Cohort
GWAS snp
[PMID 21102463 ]
Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
1.2300 [1.18-1.28]
[PMID 17213842] Refined genomic localization and ethnic differences observed for the IBD5 association with Crohn's disease.
[PMID 17667713] Analysis of candidate genes on chromosomes 5q and 19p in celiac disease.
[PMID 19214536] IGR2096a_1 T and IGR2198a_1 C alleles on IBD5 locus of chromosome 5q31 region confer risk for Crohn's disease in Hungarian patients.
[PMID 20066736
] Interaction of the major inflammatory bowel disease susceptibility alleles in Crohn's disease patients.
[PMID 24415875
] Susceptibility to ulcerative colitis in Hungarian patients determined by gene-gene interactions
[PMID 22908971] Association between inflammatory bowel disease gene 5 (IBD5) and interleukin-23 receptor (IL23R) genetic polymorphisms in Malaysian patients with Crohn's disease.