[PMID 22968028] [Association of both peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, gene-gene interactions and the body mass index]
[PMID 23545576
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[PMID 23937834] [Effects related to gene-gene interactions of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor on essential hypertension]
[PMID 18855529
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[PMID 20513279] [A nested case-control study on the relationship between occupational physical activity, heredity factors and metabolic syndrome].
[PMID 25294067] [Association between polymorphisms, haplotypes of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor a gene and the level of lipoprotein (a)]
[PMID 26110145
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[PMID 26268872] [Association and interaction between 10 SNP of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and non-HDL-C]
[PMID 24599720] Effect of obesity on the association between common variations in the PPAR gene and C-reactive protein level in Chinese Han population
[PMID 26671228] The association of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α with diabetic retinopathy, and additional gene-obesity interaction in Chinese type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.