[PMID 18062975] rs1709183 associated with EDV endothelium-dependent vasodilation in resistance, but not conduit arteries
[PMID 17327435] Investigation of the estrogen receptor-alpha gene with type 2 diabetes and/or nephropathy in African-American and European-American populations.
[PMID 18053221
] Impact of estrogen receptor gene polymorphisms and mRNA levels on obesity and lipolysis--a cohort study.
[PMID 18305958
] Comprehensive evaluation of the estrogen receptor alpha gene reveals further evidence for association with type 2 diabetes enriched for nephropathy in an African American population.
[PMID 18350145
] Association of the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) gene with body height in adult males from two Swedish population cohorts.
[PMID 20061627
] Genome-wide scan of copy number variation in late-onset Alzheimer's disease.