[PMID 20429872
] Additive effects of LPL, APOA5 and APOE variant combinations on triglyceride levels and hypertriglyceridemia: results of the ICARIA genetic sub-study
[PMID 17721767] Lipoprotein lipase HindIII polymorphism influences HDL-cholesterol levels in statin-treated patients with coronary artery disease.
[PMID 18922999] Seven lipoprotein lipase gene polymorphisms, lipid fractions, and coronary disease: a HuGE association review and meta-analysis.
[PMID 19041386
] Genetic-epidemiological evidence on genes associated with HDL cholesterol levels: a systematic in-depth review.
[PMID 25156894
] Lipoprotein lipase variants interact with polyunsaturated fatty acids for obesity traits in women: Replication in two populations