[PMID 20234319] Association of the CHRNA3 Locus with Lung Cancer Risk and Prognosis in Chinese Han Population
[PMID 18165968
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[PMID 18519524
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[PMID 23844051
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[PMID 23011884] Functional effect of polymorphisms in 15q25 locus on CHRNA5 mRNA, bulky DNA adducts and TP53 mutations.
[PMID 23023782] Correlation between polymorphisms of nicotine acetylcholine acceptor subunit CHRNA3 and lung cancer susceptibility.
[PMID 23576140] Is susceptibility locus for lung cancer in the 15q25 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor gene cluster CHRNA5-A3-B4 associated with risk of gastric cancer?
[PMID 31942417
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