[PMID 21208937] Identification of a common variant in the TFR2 gene implicated in the physiological regulation of serum iron levels
GWAS snp
[PMID 21665994]
Genome-wide association study identifies two loci strongly affecting transferrin glycosylation.
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
0.3580 [0.30-0.42] unit increase
GWAS snp
[PMID 21785125]
Association of HFE and TMPRSS6 genetic variants with iron and erythrocyte parameters is only in part dependent on serum hepcidin concentrations.
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
0.3380 [0.26-0.42] ng/ml increase
[PMID 19673882] A novel association between a SNP in CYBRD1 and serum ferritin levels in a cohort study of HFE hereditary haemochromatosis.
[PMID 22323359] TMPRSS6, but not TF, TFR2 or BMP2 variants are associated with increased risk of iron-deficiency anemia.
[PMID 23903878] Prenatal methylmercury exposure and genetic predisposition to cognitive deficit at age 8 years
[PMID 23092954] SHAVE: shrinkage estimator measured for multiple visits increases power in GWAS of quantitative traits.
[PMID 24663082] Influence of diet, menstruation and genetic factors on iron status: a cross-sectional study in Spanish women of childbearing age
[PMID 25603596] [Effects of the SNPs on rs855791 and rs3811647 on the levels of SF and sTfR in the group of 8 - 14]
[PMID 25809685] Common Variants and Haplotypes in the TF, TNF-α, and TMPRSS6 Genes Are Associated with Iron Status in a Female Black South African Population
[PMID 31936202] The Prevalence of Insomnia and the Link between Iron Metabolism Genes Polymorphisms, TF rs1049296 C>T, TF rs3811647 G>A, TFR rs7385804 A>C, HAMP rs10421768 A>G and Sleep Disorders in Polish Individuals with ASD.