rs3813928 (-995G>A / G-995A) is a SNP upstream of HTR2C.
[PMID 19997080] in a small sample of 45 autistic patients taking risperidone for up to one year, HTR2A Rs6311 (-1438G>A), DRD3 rs6280 (Ser9Gly), HTR2C rs3813928 (995G>A) and ABCB1 rs1128503) (1236C>T) were predictive of risperidone response
[PMID 20504252] Association of HTR2C, but not LEP or INSIG2, genes with antipsychotic-induced weight gain in a German sample
[PMID 15717931
] Identification of functional SNPs in the 5-prime flanking sequences of human genes.
[PMID 17016522] The association between HTR2C polymorphisms and obesity in psychiatric patients using antipsychotics: a cross-sectional study.
[PMID 17632216] The association between HTR2C gene polymorphisms and the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia.