From SNPedia
Orientation | plus |
Stabilized | plus |
Make rs5751901(C;C) |
Make rs5751901(C;T) |
Make rs5751901(T;T) |
Reference | GRCh38 38.1/141 |
Chromosome | 22 |
Position | 24596299 |
Gene | GGT1 |
is a | snp |
is | mentioned by |
dbSNP | rs5751901 |
dbSNP (classic) | rs5751901 |
ClinGen | rs5751901 |
ebi | rs5751901 |
HLI | rs5751901 |
Exac | rs5751901 |
Gnomad | rs5751901 |
Varsome | rs5751901 |
LitVar | rs5751901 |
Map | rs5751901 |
PheGenI | rs5751901 |
Biobank | rs5751901 |
1000 genomes | rs5751901 |
hgdp | rs5751901 |
ensembl | rs5751901 |
geneview | rs5751901 |
scholar | rs5751901 |
rs5751901 | |
pharmgkb | rs5751901 |
gwascentral | rs5751901 |
openSNP | rs5751901 |
23andMe | rs5751901 |
SNPshot | rs5751901 |
SNPdbe | rs5751901 |
MSV3d | rs5751901 |
GWAS Ctlg | rs5751901 |
GMAF | 0.3907 |
Max Magnitude | 0 |
? | (C;C) (C;T) (T;T) | 28 |
GWAS | |
SNP | rs5751901 |
PubMedID | [PMID 18464913] |
Condition | Protein quantitative trait loci |
Gene | GGT1 |
Risk Allele | T |
pValue | 2.00E-007 |
OR | NA |
95% CI |
[PMID 18464913] Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase / Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) protein levels
[PMID 20484958] Pooling-Based Genome-Wide Association Study Implicates Gamma-Glutamyltransferase 1 (GGT1) Gene in Pancreatic Carcinogenesis
[PMID 18940312] Population-based genome-wide association studies reveal six loci influencing plasma levels of liver enzymes.
[PMID 23462328] Variation in the γ-glutamyltransferase 1 gene and risk of chronic pancreatitis
[PMID 32038108] Increased risk of acute pancreatitis occurrence in smokers with rs5751901 polymorphisms in GGT1 gene.