[PMID 18923449
] Further genetic evidence for three psoriasis-risk genes: ADAM33, CDKAL1, and PTPN22
[PMID 16784537
] The role of polymorphisms in ADAM33, a disintegrin and metalloprotease 33, in childhood asthma and lung function in two German populations.
[PMID 17878941
] ADAM33, a new candidate for psoriasis susceptibility.
[PMID 19146844] ADAM33 genetic polymorphisms and risk of atopic dermatitis among Japanese children.
[PMID 19638187
] Genetic susceptibility to psoriasis: an emerging picture.
[PMID 21179102] Association of ADAM33 gene polymorphisms with asthma in Indian children.
[PMID 23380143] A disintegrin and metalloprotease 33 (ADAM33) gene polymorphisms and the risk of asthma: a meta-analysis.