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From SNPedia

What is the risk allele for rs1494555 G or A? Genomapp has A. Other sites have G. 23andMe raw data, A or G as opposed to C or T.

There is no risk allele, because it's likely to be benign. Read our summary at rs1494558, and notice also that ClinVar notes "conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity", with no one since 1998 saying it's pathogenic. One other comment: we're certainly biased about this, but nonetheless we strongly recommend you only use apps that show publicly where their report conclusions are coming from, like Promethease (since it is based on SNPedia, where you can see for yourself what publications are linked to genotypes and genotype summaries). Greg (talk) 06:37, 12 March 2017 (UTC)
About Rs1494555 controversy, we agree with you that this marker is likely to be benign, but also we only want to stress that Genomapp results, as we indicate in our app reference page, are extracted from Clinvar database. A more detailed response can be found at Reddit: [rs1494555 at Reddit]