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From SNPedia

Should not the high LD with rs2228145 be noted somewhere?

rs2228145 is not on my gene chip, though rs4129267 is.

rs2228145 rs4129267 706 0.965 1.000 http://archive.broadinstitute.org/mpg/snap/ldsearch.php

I think the results from this study should be included in Snpedia. [PMID 29197507] Association between a Functional Interleukin 6 Receptor Genetic Variant and Risk of Depression and Psychosis in a Population-based Birth Cohort. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159117305214?via%3Dihub

As shown in severe psychosis at age 18 was twice as common for the AA vs CC genotype at rs2228145. This was a large study and the result was statistically significant with supporting references in the literature. Does snpedia allow for magnitude ratings for a given genotype?

(e.g. rs123 AA 3 good reduces risk of cancer; rs123 AA 4 bad increases risk of wet ear wax)

If you are asking if different phenotypes associated with a single genotype can have different magnitudes, at the moment the answer is no, because a genotype currently has only one magnitude. Greg (talk) 22:28, 3 March 2018 (UTC)