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My partner, also using 23andme, got rs67828806(A;G), suggesting Oi/eds syndrome. He does not report any extreme issues of pain, hypermobility, skin stretching, etc. Not sure what to make of this.

As you probably saw on the rs67828806 page, we state "Note: this variant may be benign or at least quite variably penetrant, based on Promethease user feedback." So user feedback (like yours) is definitely leaning towards this variant being either often technical glitchy (i.e. somewhat error prone) on the DNA chips being used by companies like 23andMe, or probably more likely in this particular case, the actual link between this variant and the disorder is weak to nonexistent. Bottom line: unless there are symptoms matching Oi/eds, we wouldn't suggest worrying about it.Greg (talk) 21:57, 6 August 2017 (UTC)