1.6x higher atherosclerosis risk only in males
1.6x higher atherosclerosis risk only in males
This SNP is in the anterior pharynx defective 1 homolog B APH1B gene; the (T) allele encodes the Phe, while the (G) allele encodes the rarer Leu; this SNP is also known as Phe217Leu.
[PMID 18987747
] rs1047552 previously linked to Alzheimer's disease. Analysis of a Dutch Caucasian cohort (780 cases; 1414 controls) showed a higher prevalence of the risk allele rs1047552(G) in males (OR = 1.63; p = 0.033) for coronary atherosclerosis but not females.
[PMID 19774691] Correlation between HIV-1 seropositivity and prevalence of a gamma-secretase polymorphism in two distinct ethnic populations