common in complete genomics
In both a multi-site study including 2,500+ Swedish patients and a meta-analysis of 10,000+ patients in 17 publications, no association between rs12188950 and risk for ischemic stroke was found.
[PMID 22274584
[PMID 16835261
] Phosphodiesterase 4D polymorphisms and the risk of cerebral infarction in a biracial population: the Stroke Prevention in Young Women Study.
[PMID 18398440] Ischaemic stroke in hypertensive patients is associated with variations in the PDE4D genome region.
[PMID 19409523
] Multilocus Bayesian meta-analysis of gene-disease associations.
[PMID 19426955
] Genome-wide association analysis identifies PDE4D as an asthma-susceptibility gene.
[PMID 20540798
] Sex-differential genetic effect of phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) on carotid atherosclerosis.
[PMID 28191858] Impact of the PDE4D gene polymorphism and additional SNP-SNP and gene-smoking interaction on ischemic stroke risk in Chinese Han population.