news linked to asthma
GWAS snp
[PMID 19198610]
Plasma eosinophil count
Sequence variants affecting eosinophil numbers associate with asthma and myocardial infarction
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
6.40 [4.7-8.1] % standard unit increase
[PMID 22574108] IL1RL1 Gene Variants and Nasopharyngeal IL1RL-a Levels Are Associated with Severe RSV Bronchiolitis: A Multicenter Cohort Study
[PMID 19852851] Asthma and genes encoding components of the vitamin D pathway.
[PMID 19860791] Genetic evidence for a role of IL33 in nasal polyposis.
[PMID 21281963] Interleukin-1 receptor-like 1 polymorphisms are associated with serum IL1RL1-a, eosinophils, and asthma in childhood.
[PMID 23028483] Genome-wide association studies of asthma in population-based cohorts confirm known and suggested loci and identify an additional association near HLA.
[PMID 23328882] Meta-analyses of four eosinophil related gene variants in coronary heart disease.