related to Histamine intolerance
rs2052129, also known as (G4586T), is a variant in the AOC1 diamine oxidase gene on chromosome 7.
The minor allele, rs2052129(A), has been reported in a 2011 study to be associated with decreased transcriptional activity, at least when measured in homozygotes (for the minor allele) compared to major allele homozygotes. However, the same study describing the decreased gene activity reported that this variant was not associated with histamine intolerance (HIT), suggesting that the variant may be necessary but not sufficient (on its own) to lead to actual HIT.[PMID 21488903]
No association between the promoter SNP rs2052129 and the risk of developing NSAID hypersensitivity was seen in a 2012 study of 442 Caucasian patients.[PMID 23152756
A different 2012 study of ~300 patients with selective NSAID hypersensitivity found no association for rs2052129; however, they reported that logistic regression analyses suggested that rs2052129(C;C) homozygotes were related to selective hypersensitivity to ibuprofen.
[PMID 27746735