increased risk of coronary heart disease; better response to statins
increased risk of coronary heart disease; better response to statins
rs2298566 is a SNP in the SNX19 gene. The risk allele in terms of heart disease is rs2298566(C).
This SNP is one of the 5 used by Celera's genetic risk score (GRS) for coronary heart disease (CHD).
For each of the five variants, the GRS was increased by 1 if the subject was homozygous for the risk variant, unchanged if heterozygous, and decreased by 1 if the individual did not carry the variant. Therefore, individuals carrying all 10 possible risk variants (two copies of each of the five SNPs) were assigned a GRS of 5 and those carrying no risk variants a GRS of -5. A high GRS was defined as 3 or higher. Approximately 4% of the white cohort in ARIC was classified as high risk, and the hazard ratio for CHD after adjustment for traditional risk factors was a significant 1.57 (CI: 1.21-2.04; p<0.001). The results did not reproduce for African American participants.[PMID 18073581]
[PMID 19752551
] Polymorphisms associated with both noncardioembolic stroke and coronary heart disease: vienna stroke registry.