common in complete genomics
[PMID 22052079
] Association analysis of 31 common polymorphisms with type 2 diabetes and its related traits in Indian sib pairs
[PMID 18372903
] Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data and large-scale replication identifies additional susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes.
[PMID 18591388
] Assessing the combined impact of 18 common genetic variants of modest effect sizes on type 2 diabetes risk.
[PMID 18714373
] Novel meta-analysis-derived type 2 diabetes risk loci do not determine prediabetic phenotypes.
[PMID 19341491
] Genome-based prediction of common diseases: methodological considerations for future research.
[PMID 19639606
] Correcting "winner's curse" in odds ratios from genomewide association findings for major complex human diseases.
[PMID 19862325
] PPARG, KCNJ11, CDKAL1, CDKN2A-CDKN2B, IDE-KIF11-HHEX, IGF2BP2 and SLC30A8 are associated with type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population.
[PMID 19956539
] How many genetic variants remain to be discovered?