[PMID 20335604] Cytokine polymorphism in non-infectious uveitis.
According to a 2010 report, each A (minor) allele at rs3024490 in the IL10 gene increased the risk of Behçet's disease about 1.4 times in a Turkish population. [PMID 20622878
[PMID 19264973
] Assessing the reproducibility of asthma candidate gene associations, using genome-wide data.
[PMID 19468064
] Parasites represent a major selective force for interleukin genes and shape the genetic predisposition to autoimmune conditions. The aim of the study was to map SNP/gene associations with environmental pathogen-richness in relation to genomic variations across geographic human populations. This 2009 article found that "six risk alleles for inflammatory bowel (IBD) or celiac disease are significantly correlated with micropathogen richness. These data support the hygiene hypothesis for IBD and provide a large set of putative targets for susceptibility to helminth infections." (Abstract) Table I. identified rs3024490 among a list of 44 SNPs analyzed in relation to micro- and macro-pathogens. This SNP was not previously associated with IBD and celiac disease and was negatively associated with pathogen richness.
[PMID 19852851
] Asthma and genes encoding components of the vitamin D pathway.
[PMID 19907653
] Selection for genetic variation inducing pro-inflammatory responses under adverse environmental conditions in a Ghanaian population. This 2009 study identified a haplotype among Ghanaians consisting of minor alleles at four SNPs in the IL-10 gene: rs1800871, rs1800872, rs3024490 and rs1554286. This combination of risk alleles led to lower IL-10 expression and higher TNF gene expression, resulting in a pro-inflammatory response. The authors explain that in Ghana, "pro-inflammatory alleles rescue their carriers of excess mortality in adverse environmental conditions" such as drinking from boreholes, and thus minor alleles occur more frequently in African populations, but "in an affluent environment, the same pro-inflammatory response leads to increased mortality," and minor alleles occur much less frequently (i.e. in Caucasian populations).
[PMID 20041166
] Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.
[PMID 28268030] Influence of IL1B, IL6 and IL10 gene variants and plasma fatty acid interaction on metabolic syndrome risk in a cross-sectional population-based study.
[PMID 29662655
] Association of IL4, IL6, and IL10 polymorphisms with pulmonary tuberculosis in a Tibetan Chinese population.
[PMID 32380517
] The effect of interleukin 10 polymorphisms on breast cancer susceptibility in Han women in Shaanxi Province.