For kidney donors, 2x more likely to result in allograft rejection
rs4730751 is a SNP in the gene for CAV1, a protein that is involved in tissue fibrosis as well as vascular proliferation.
In a study of 785 white kidney transplant donors and their respective recipients, kidneys from rs4730751(A;A) donors were significantly more likely to fail the transplant, compared with those from donors carrying one or two of the more common rs4730751(C) alleles. The hazard ratio was 1.97 (CI: 1.29-3.16, p = 0.002). Overall, the graft failure rate for donor kidneys with the (A;A) genotype was 38.6%, compared with ~22% for donor genotypes (A;C) or (C;C).[PMID 20371787]
[PMID 21976276] eNOS and caveolin-1 gene polymorphisms interaction and intima media thickness: a proof of concept study in ESRD patients.
[PMID 23051628] Fibrosis-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms in TGFB1 and CAV1 are not associated with the development of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
[PMID 25787790] Genetic Variation in Caveolin-1 Correlates With Long-Term Pancreas Transplant Function
[PMID 25945124
] Donor caveolin 1 (CAV1) genetic polymorphism influences graft function after renal transplantation
[PMID 26433014] Caveolin-1 single-nucleotide polymorphism and arterial stiffness in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease
[PMID 31664124
] Caveolin-1 rs4730751 single-nucleotide polymorphism may not influence kidney transplant allograft survival.