common in complete genomics
common genotype
rs6413413, also known as Thr60Ser, is a SNP in the alcohol dehydrogenase 1B ADH1B gene. The rs6413413(A) allele is the more common, encoding the amino acid threonine (Thr); the quite rare rs6413413(T) allele encodes the variant serine (Ser).
On it's own, this SNP is said to explain 2.5% of the variability in the rate at which alcohol is metabolized, based on a study of 250 Spaniards.[PMID 20101753]
More significantly (in a statistical sense), this study concluded that combinations of this SNP and others were shown to affect alcohol metabolism; most of these combinations are represented by the gs211
Note that the effects of alcohol are higher in individuals who break down (basically, detoxify) ethanol more slowly.
[PMID 17355643
] Frequencies of single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes regulating inflammatory responses in a community-based population.
[PMID 29045753] Association Between the rs1229984 Polymorphism in the Alcohol Dehydrogenase B (ADH1B) Gene and Risk for Restless Legs Syndrome.