[PMID 21263195] An APOE Haplotype Associated with Decreased ?4 Expression Increases the Risk of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease
[PMID 17434289
] Comprehensive analysis of APOE and selected proximate markers for late-onset Alzheimer's disease: patterns of linkage disequilibrium and disease/marker association.
[PMID 17672902
] Subarachnoid hemorrhage: tests of association with apolipoprotein E and elastin genes.
[PMID 19172988
] The complex interaction between APOE promoter and AD: an Italian case-control study.
[PMID 23430611] Identification of a functional apolipoprotein E promoter polymorphism regulating plasma apolipoprotein E concentration.
[PMID 26563666] Association study of apolipoprotein E promoter polymorphism (-427 T/C) and Alzheimer's disease in a Tunisian population