Nemaline Myopathy 1
Nemaline Myopathy 1
common in clinvar
[PMID 7663526] A mutation in the alpha tropomyosin gene TPM3 associated with autosomal dominant nemaline myopathy NEM1.
[PMID 7704029] A mutation in the alpha tropomyosin gene TPM3 associated with autosomal dominant nemaline myopathy.
[PMID 10587521
] A nemaline myopathy mutation in alpha-tropomyosin causes defective regulation of striated muscle force production.
[PMID 15562513] An alphaTropomyosin mutation alters dimer preference in nemaline myopathy.
[PMID 11106625
] Alteration of tropomyosin function and folding by a nemaline myopathy-causing mutation.
[PMID 11964245
] Tropomyosin requires an intact N-terminal coiled coil to interact with tropomodulin.
[PMID 12163017] Expression and biological activity of Baculovirus generated wild-type human slow alpha tropomyosin and the Met9Arg mutant responsible for a dominant form of nemaline myopathy.
[PMID 18716557
] Disease severity and thin filament regulation in M9R TPM3 nemaline myopathy.