Suicide is defined as the action of killing oneself intentionally.
This article suggest snps in CREB1 affect anger and suicide, see rs4675690 and rs7569963.
This Wired article suggests a risk of suicide and depression when taking antidepressants, but only in men. Variations in the gene SSAT have also been linked to suicide.
Some relevant SNPs[edit]
GWAS and whole exome sequencing studies[edit]
[PMID 28902444] Genomewide association studies of suicide attempts in US soldiers.
[PMID 26079190] A genome-wide association study of suicidal behavior.
[PMID 25917933] A genome-wide association study of suicide severity scores in bipolar disorder.
[PMID 24964207] Genetic relationships between suicide attempts, suicidal ideation and major psychiatric disorders: a genome-wide association and polygenic scoring study.
[PMID 21423239] A genome-wide association study of attempted suicide.
[PMID 21041247] Genome-wide association study of suicide attempts in mood disorder patients.
[PMID 20877300] Genome-wide association study of increasing suicidal ideation during antidepressant treatment in the GENDEP project.
Other publications[edit]
[PMID 29557505] Differences in SNP genotype distributions between complex and simple suicides.
[PMID 17548750] Association between treatment-emergent suicidal ideation with citalopram and polymorphisms near cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein in the STAR*D study.
[PMID 17011525] Effect of SNP at position 40237 in exon 7 of the TPH2 gene on susceptibility to suicide.