[PMID 24055485] Genetic association of ADIPOQ gene variants with type 2 diabetes, obesity and serum adiponectin levels in south Indian population
[PMID 17992633] The Y111 H (T415C) polymorphism in exon 3 of the gene encoding adiponectin is uncommon in Polish obese patients.
[PMID 18776141
] Common variants in the adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) associated with plasma adiponectin levels, type 2 diabetes, and diabetes-related quantitative traits: the Framingham Offspring Study. This 2008 article found that the minor C allele of rs17366743 had a hazard ratio of "1.94 for incident diabetes (95% CI 1.16–3.25; Pn = 0.01)"
[PMID 19035456
] Adipokine genes and prostate cancer risk.
[PMID 19037660
] The association of SNPs in ADIPOQ, ADIPOR1, and ADIPOR2 with insulin sensitivity in a cohort of adolescents and their parents.
[PMID 20011104
] A genome-wide association study reveals variants in ARL15 that influence adiponectin levels.
[PMID 21219602
] Association of ADIPOQ gene variants with body weight, type 2 diabetes and serum adiponectin concentrations: the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study.
[PMID 31565221
] Levels of nitric oxide metabolites, adiponectin and endothelin are associated with SNPs of the adiponectin and endothelin genes.