increased risk for preeclampsia
increased risk for preeclamppsia
normal risk
rs3889728 is a SNP in the AGT gene that, at least when part of a haplotype, has been associated with increased risk for developing pre-eclampsia, but it was not reported to have the most influence of the 3 SNPs in the haplotype. The 2.1 fold increased risk (CI: 1.4-3.4, p=0.0008) for pre-eclampsia was reported for haplotype rs3889728(A)-rs4762(T)-rs699(C).[PMID 14638622]
[PMID 24978482] Polymorphisms in genes of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and renal cell cancer risk: Interplay with hypertension and intakes of sodium, potassium and fluid
[PMID 31337952
] A Prediction Model of Essential Hypertension Based on Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors in Northern Han Chinese.