Associated with aggressive form of prostate cancer |
normal risk of aggressive form of prostate cancer
normal risk of aggressive form of prostate cancer
1.26x higher risk of aggressive form of prostate cancer
rs4054823 is a SNP in chromosomal region 17p12.
This SNP is associated with risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Most prostate cancers proceed slowly and can be successfully treated even if not detected early. A subset of prostate cancers are an aggressive form which is harder to treat, especially if not detected early. The aggressive form of prostate cancer accounts for an estimated 27,000 deaths annually in the US.
A study of 4,829 and 12,205 patients with more and less aggressive disease, respectively, found that the frequency of rs4054823(T;T) was consistently higher among patients with more aggressive compared with less aggressive disease in each of the seven populations studied (overall p = 2.1 x 10e-8). This is not a predictor of increased risk of prostate cancer. Instead, those who do get prostate cancer have a higher risk of it being the aggressive type if they have the risk factor. Those with the risk factor can benefit from more frequent prostate cancer exams, and more aggressive treatment if prostate cancer is found.[PMID 20080650]
In the news: Gene may pinpoint most aggressive prostate cancer.
[PMID 21308149] Impact of genotyping on outcome of prostatic biopsies: a multicenter prospective study
[PMID 21367958] Association of prostate cancer risk Loci with disease aggressiveness and prostate cancer-specific mortality.
[PMID 21520160] Prostate cancer risk variants are not associated with disease progression.