2.1x risk for Aspirin Induced Asthma. But possibly lower risk of lupus and intractable Graves' disease.
2.1x risk for Aspirin Induced Asthma. But possibly lower risk of intractible Grave's disease.
Lower risk of Aspirin Induced Asthma. Normal (higher) risk of lupus and intractable Grave's Disease.
rs4794067(C;C) and rs4794067(C;T) genotypes for the TBX21 gene are calculated to be at 2.15 fold higher risk (CI: 1.26-3.64) for aspirin-induced asthma (AIA) compared to rs4794067(T;T) homozygotes, based on a study of 72 patients vs 640 controls in a study of a Japanese population. [PMID 15806396]
Note that in this population, but perhaps not others, linkage disequilibrium exists between this SNP located upstream of the gene, rs4794067, and a common synonymous SNP located in the first exon, rs2074190, with a predictive accuracy of 92%.
On the other hand, rs4794067(C;C) may greatly decrease the risk of lupus if rs17250932(C;C) is also present (at least in Chinese people). [PMID 20429676] And those 2 SNPs also reduce the risk of intractable Graves' disease (at least in Japanese people). [PMID 22014209]
[PMID 25832120
] TBX21-1993T/C (rs4794067) polymorphism is associated with increased risk of chronic periodontitis and increased T-bet expression in periodontal lesions, but does not significantly impact the IFN-g transcriptional level or the pattern of periodontophatic bacterial infection